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RU student secures GPA 3.50 without appearing in semester exam

A female student of the History Department at Rajshahi University secured a first class (GPA 3.50) in the third-year honours examinations under the 2020-21 academic session, despite not appearing for the semester examination.
This information was revealed in the result sheet of the third-year’s first-semester examination, published on October 16. The matter came to the notice of the students in the afternoon.
However, a member of the examination committee claimed that the issue occurred “mistakenly”.
According to university sources, the third-year first-semester examination for the 2020-21 session began on May 26 and ended on June 6 this year. The results were published on the university’s website on October 16.
However, a student named Sadia Afroz Maria received a GPA of 3.50, despite not appearing for the exam.
Speaking to the correspondent, Maria explained that she had not participated in the second-year second-semester examination due to illness. As a result, she is still in her second year, continuing classes with the 2021-22 session.
Since she had not completed her second year, she did not take part in the first-semester examination of the third year, Maria added.
A student from the same department, seeking anonymity, claimed that this was not the first time such mistakes had occurred. The authorities have made similar errors in the past further, the student alleged.
Acknowledging the mistake, Prof Abul Kashem, head of the examination committee, said, “Yes, there is an ‘unwanted mistake’ in the third-year first-semester results. However, we have spoken to the exam controller, and the error will be rectified shortly.”
However, the correspondent could not reach professor Ferdousi Khatun, chairman of the history department, for comment in this regard as her mobile phone was found switched off.
